Communication professionals and major phone companies demand data protection in their testequipment. Accidentally clipping onto the wrong pair in awiring closet or cross-box is the biggest threat to data lines and can interrupt critical data traffic, down a PBX, or down a server.
Harris Corporation's new TS®44 DLX test setis equipped with new DataSafe Pro Data Protection Technology featuring superior high-impedance monitoring, Data Lockout and Lockout Override, making you completelysafe in Talk, Monitor or Override Mode. This intelligent test setwill check for normal POTS voltage and the presence of datathe moment you clip on the line. Data lockout and override protection will alert the technician to the presence of data andonly allow override if normal POTS voltage is detected. New patent-pending filtering technology allows a technician to safely draw dial tone on a live DSL/POTS shared line to test the POTS service while protecting the DSL from downing or disruption. No competing test set is available that can ensure this level of protection; now the industry standard at major phone companies.