The 4208U Remote Point Module (RPM) is an eight-zone expander that allows the use of available expansion zones on ADEMCO controls that support V-Plex polling loop devices.
Can be optionally powered from an external DC power supply to reduce the amount of current draw from the polling loop
Uniquely identifies eight EOLR supervised zones (all zones use 10K resistors, supplied)
DIP Switches can be used to set zone numbers or serial numbers
When used in the serial number mode, each serial number in the selected group can be assigned to any zone number
Loops A & B can be programmed for fast (10msec) response
Provides cover tamper protection, which may be enabled or disabled via on-board DIP Switches
Honeywell’s 419 is a wired zone expander.
Adds up to 8 end-of-line supervised zones
Connection made to the control's console wires
Supported on VISTA-20HW
Bogen UTI1 Single-Zone Universal Telephone Interface
*NOTE* The TAMB2/PS is now EOS. The UTI1 is a great substitute for 95% of use cases. See the documentation section below for a...
Honeywell PROLTE-A Pro Series LTE Cellular Communications Module AT&T
Resideo PROLTE Series Communications Modules provide compatible ProSeries control panels with a cellular communication path...
The PCMZPM zone paging module can operate high-power or low-power paging systems (only one type per PCMZPM module). For high-power paging, a single amplifier can be used for paging and supplying...
The Bogen Model PCMTBM is the talkback applications module for the Bogen PCM2000 Zone Paging System. The PCMTBM is used with a high-power central amplifier to provide talkback paging in zones with...
The Bogen PCM2000 is a modular telephone zone paging and control system. By integrating unique, multi-function modules, the PCM2000 offers both incredible flexibility and capability for future...