Klein Web-Strap Ratchet Hoist KN1500PEX Large, non-conductive dial (drum knob) allows web slack to be adjusted with ease.
Large, non-conductive dial (drum knob) allows web slack to be...
Klein Lineman's Ratcheting Wrench KT151T Bolt-through design allows bolts to pass through the socket.
Bolt-through design allows bolts to pass through the socket.
3/4'' 1'' and 1-1/8''...
Klein Ratcheting Cable Cutter 63060 High-leverage ratchet mechanism for single-handed cutting of copper and aluminum cables, leaving no burrs or sharp edges.
High-leverage ratchet...
Klein Lineman's Slim Ratcheting Wrench KT152T ¾”, 13/16'', 1” and 1-1/8” combination square socket for most common utility hardware.
¾”, 13/16'', 1” and 1-1/8” combinat