Commercial grade desk or wall mount Trimline No-Dial telephone. The perfect solution for taking important incoming calls without risking phone abuse of outgoing calls. Ideal for hotels, barber shops, pizza shops, and basically anywhere a phone is needed for incoming calls but not necessarily for outgoing calls. Also ideal for use as an extension phone from a payphone.
No Dial is used for incoming calls only / No keypad means no dialing out. Take orders and other calls without risking abuse of outgoing calls. Available colors are black, ash, white and red. Custom colors are available. Plugs into standard phone jack. 2 Year Warranty
Lighted Keypad / 13 Phone Number Memory / Desk and Wall / Tone and Pulse Dial / Great for emergency use during a power failure
In the mid-latter part of the 20th century, the Trimline phone courted...
Commercial grade No-Dial desk phone. The perfect solution for taking important incoming calls without risking phone abuse of outgoing calls. Ideal for hotels, barber shops, pizza shops, and basically...
No Dial Wall Telephone
Commercial grade wall mount No-Dial phone. The perfect solution for taking important incoming calls without risking phone abuse of outgoing calls. Ideal for hotels, barber...
Hot Line Auto Dial Wall Telephone
Commercial grade Auto-Dial wall phone. Auto-dial phones are ideal for banking institutions, in-store promotions, money transfer companies and more. Dials one...
Budget Priced Trimline Telephone
Key Features
FCC / ETL / UL approved
Dual Tone, Deep Pitch IC Ringer
Hearing Aid Compatible
Variable Slide Volume Control (maximum amplification as allowed by...