This fiber is most always in stock. We have various size reels. If you are in the local area to our warehouse we will give a reel closest to your requested cable length and allow you to bring back the unused portion of the reel.
Product Highlights:
2-24 Fiber Indoor-OutdoorCable, Plenum
900μm Tight Buffers
Water blocking aramid yarn strength members
Exclusive use of Corning® optical fibers
Jacket print ensures product identification and fiber compatibility
Durable jacket offers added protection during installation and in rugged use applications
OM3 Can support 10-Gbps link distances of up to 300 meters. It can also support 40GBASE-SR4 at 100 meters and 100GBASE-SR4 at 70 meters. OM3 is often used in larger private networks.
OM4 Can support 10-Gbps link distances of up to 550 meters. It can also support 40/100GB up to 150 meters using an MPO connector. OM4 is commonly used in high-speed networks, data centers, financial centers, and corporate campuses.
OM4 6 Fiber Indoor Outdoor Tight Buffered PlenumPrice is per foot
This fiber is most always in stock. We have various size reels. If you are in the local area to our warehouse we will...
Hitachi 61894-12 OM4 12 Fiber Indoor Outdoor Tight Buffered Plenum
Indoor/Outdoor PDF Data Sheet
Product Highlights:
REACH & RoHS 2 compliant.
Made in US
Multimode OM4 2 Fiber Indoor Outdoor Tight Buffered Plenum
Price is per foot
We have various size reels. If you are in the local area to our warehouse we will give a reel closest to your...
OM3 12 Fiber Indoor Outdoor Tight Buffered Plenum
Price is per foot
This fiber is most always in stock. We have various size reels. If you are in the local area to our warehouse we will...
Singlemode 12 Fiber Indoor Outdoor Tight Buffered PlenumPrice is per foot
This fiber is most always in stock. We have various size reels. If you are in the local area to our warehouse we...
Hitachi 61894-6 OM4 6 Fiber Indoor Outdoor Tight Buffered Plenum
Indoor/Outdoor PDF Data Sheet
Product Highlights:
REACH & RoHS 2 compliant.
Made in USA.