One 3 Gallon Kit Disinfectant For Hard Non-Porous Surfaces
PERFORMACIDE® Hard Surface Disinfectant is for use on hard, non-porous surfaces as a Disinfectant, Sanitizer, Tuberculocide, Virucide*, Fungicide, Algaecide, Slimicide, and Deodorizer. As a disinfectant PERFORMACIDE® kills MRSA, Staphylcoccus aureus, Listeria, Trichophyton mentagrophytes (athletes foot), Enterococcus faecilis, Salmonella, TB. As a virucide, PERFORMACIDE® kills HIV-1, Hepatitus A, Herpes Simplex-2, Rhinovirus, Influenza-A, Coronavirus, Norovirus, Poliovirus*, Adenovirus, Rhinovirus, Canine Parvovirus, feline calicivirus, and Vaccinia virus. PERFORMACIDE® kills odor causing bacteria mold & mildew.
PERFORMACIDE® EPA Reg. No. 87508-3 is registered for use in hospitals, medical laboratories, rehabilitation facilities, diagnostic centers, clinics, first responder facilities, and equipment, veterinary hospitals, medical equipment, pharmaceutical facilities, and laboratories. PERFORMACIDE® uses a pre-measured pouch that when immersed in the corresponding amount of water creates a 100 ppm chlorine dioxide solution. Allow the pouch 60 minutes to reach full activation, and the 100 ppm ClO2 solution lasts 15 days when stored in an oxidation-proof, dark closed or sealed container in a cool dark location. Using EPA label directions, PERFORMACIDE® can be diluted to 20 ppm for use as a sanitizer on non-food contact surfaces, and 5 ppm for use as a sanitizer on food contact surfaces.
For disinfecting, wet the area to be treated with a mop, sponge, or pressurized tank sprayer and allow to air dry. This product can be applied to walls, floors, furniture, stainless steel, glass, vinyl, or other hard non-porous surfaces. For sanitizing hard non-porous, food contact surfaces dilute to 5 ppm and allow 5 minutes of exposure time. For sanitizing hard non-porous, non-food contact surfaces dilute solution to 20 ppm and allow 5 minutes of exposure time. Please see inner label instructions for dilution tables and ratios. To test activated solutions after storage or dilution use chlorine dioxide test strips for concentrations with a range of 0 ppm up to 500 ppm.
- Disinfectant, Sanitizer, Tuberculocide, Virucide*, Fungicide, Algaecide, Slimicide, and Deodorizer
- PERFORMACIDE® 5.0 gram pouch when added to 1 gallon of water will make a 100 ppm solution of activated ClO2
- Kills MRSA, Staphylcoccus aureus, Listeria, Trichophyton mentagrophytes (athletes foot), Enterococcus faecilis, Salmonella, TB, HIV-1*, Norovirus, Poliovirus*, Adenovirus*, Rhinovirus, Canine Parvovirus*, and odor causing bacteria mold & mildew
- Contains 3 - 5.0 gram ClO2 generating pouches each generating 1 gallon of 100 ppm ClO2 solution
- EPA Reg. No. 87508-3 applications include hospitals, medical laboratories, rehabilitation facilitates, diagnostic centers, clinics, first responder facilities, and equipment, veterinary hospitals, medical equipment, pharmaceutical facilities, laboratories
Add pouch to pre-measured amounts of water, and allow 60 minutes for full activation of ClO2 solution.
For 100 PPM solution add:
- One 5.0 gram pouch to each 1 gallon container and fill with water.
- Unused product can be stored for up to 15 days.
Directions For Disinfecting
- Wet area with mop, sprayer, sponge, or pressurized tank sprayer and allow to air dry.
- This product can be applied to walls, floors, furniture, stainless steel, glass, vinyl, or other hard non-porous surfaces.
- Applications include hospitals, medical facilities, veterinary hospitals & kennels, public areas, first responder facilities and equipment, clinics, rehabilitation facilities, diagnostic centers, food processing and serving facilities & beverage bottling facilities, gymnasiums, hotel/motel rooms, bar tops.
Directions For Sanitizing Hard, Non-porous, Food Contact Surfaces
- May be used on previously cleaned food preparation surfaces: fountain drink and beverage dispensers; glassware, plates, and eating utensils and food and beverage processing equipment at a dilution ratio of 5 ppm and an exposure time of 5 minutes.
- Effective food contact surface sanitizer at an exposure time of 1 minute at a dilution of 5 ppm against E coli, Staphycoccus aurea and Salmonella typhimurium.
Directions For Sanitizing Hard, Non-porous, Non-Food Contact Surfaces
- May be used to sanitize and disinfect non-food contact surfaces at a dilution rate of 20 ppm and an exposure time of 5 minutes.
- This product can be applied to walls, floors, furniture, stainless steel, glass, vinyl, and equipment.