Reduce the possibility of conversations being overheard in hallways, private offices, Pharmacy, examining rooms and client waiting areas.
Valcom Spot Sound Masking Speakers offer the quickest and most inexpensive approach for medical facilities to comply with HIPAA regulations regarding incidental disclosure.
Create an environment where an individuals right to privacy is respected without burdening staff or compromising the organizations ability to provide patient care.
Reduces intelligibility of oral conversations
Self-contained speaker includes built-in white noise masking source and amplifier
Front Panel volume control adjustment for proper operation
Integral Plenum Ceiling Back-box meets or exceeds ASTM E84 Flame and Smoke Test
Baked Enamel scratch resistant finish
Utilizes standard CAT 3, 5 or 6 Cable for operation
Easy Lay-In ceiling installation in 2x2 or 2x4 ceiling tile grid
8" Speaker assembly with speaker, amplifier and volume control mounted in 2' x 1' grille with integral backbox.
Lightweight - Weighs Slightly More Than a 2' x 1' Ceiling Tile
Inconspicuous Front...
8" Talkback Speaker assembly with speaker, amplifier and volume control mounted in 2' x 2' grille with integral backbox. Lightweight - Weighs Slightly More Than a 2' x 2' Ceiling Tile Inconspicuous...
8" Dual Input Speaker assembly with speaker, amplifier and volume control mounted in 2' x 2' grille with integral backbox. Lightweight - Weighs Slightly More Than a 2' x 2' Ceiling Tile...
Weather-Resistant Talkback Speaker Includes Call Button("CALL" in Braille) Mounts In Standard Double Gang Electric Box Stainless Steel or Brass Faceplate CE 0 Valcom Power Units Valcom Power...
Weather-Resistant Talkback Speaker Surface Mount Includes Call Button ("CALL" in Braille) Gray Plastic Housing CE Valcom Power UnitsEvery Valcom product is marked with either a positive, negative...