Harris Fluke Networks TS19 Telephone Butt SetThe Fluke Networks TS19 Test Set combines all the essential test set features at an affordable price. This test set was specifically designed for in-house...
Telephone Butt Set with ABN, AnalogDial, ring, talk, mute, or redial using this telephone line testerSends signals via dial tone (DTMF) or dial pulseAngled Bed-of-Nails (ABN) Clips clamp connections...
Communication professionals and major phone companies demand data protection in their testequipment. Accidentally clipping onto the wrong pair in awiring closet or cross-box is the biggest threat to...
Premier 7000 Series Hotel Hospitality Telephones The PremierĀ® Series 7000 phones bring a sleek new natural color to your hospitality and business applications. All models offer receiver volume...
Premier 7000 Series Hotel Hospitality Telephones The PremierĀ® Series 7000 phones bring a sleek new natural color to your hospitality and business applications. All models offer receiver volume...
Premier 7000 Series Hotel Hospitality Telephones The PremierĀ® Series 7000 phones bring a sleek new natural color to your hospitality and business applications. All models offer receiver volume...